Hello all,

I would like to show my support for the idea of my colleague Scott on the list. I've heard rumour that semantic web people have started doubting whether their own inventions, especially OWL, are catching on. In my view they have to be more patient. As far as I can see there are now more than enough front-runners in the life science community who are using semantic web technology in various ways (or at least trying too). It would be nice if that was made visible at a high-impact venue such as ISMB.


M. Scott Marshall wrote:

I suppose that it is a little too early for a special session at ISMB on
semantic modeling, semantic web.. Hmm.. Neural degenerative disorders?



ISMB 2008 Call for Special Session Proposals + More ISCB Conference News
"Bj Morrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wed, 19 Sep 2007 19:16:21 -0700
"ISCB Members and Colleagues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"ISCB Members and Colleagues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


*/ISMB 2008 …/**/ /**/July 19-23, 2008 … Toronto, Canada/*

*_www.iscb.org/call_ISMB2008specialsessions.shtml_* <http://www.iscb.org/call_ISMB2008specialsessions.shtml>

*/SUBMISSION/**/ DEADLINE/**/: October 24 (11:59PM EDT)/*

ISMB 2008 will bring back the highly popular Special Sessions Track that was successfully introduced at ISMB/ECCB 2007 in Vienna. Special Sessions have the purpose of introducing the ISMB community to relevant and “hot” scientific topics that are typically not within the focus of an ISMB meeting, and highlighting the impact of computational biology and bioinformatics within these emerging topics. See the full call for proposals at the URL above, and start putting your proposal together for introducing the next new topic at ISMB 2008.



*/5th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference (Rocky '07) /*

*/November 30 – December 2, 2007… Snowmass/Aspen, Colorado /*


*/SUBMISSION/**/ DEADLINE/**/:/**/ October 8, 2007/*

Less than three weeks remain to submit abstracts for the 5th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioinformatics Conference (Rocky '07). This meeting has a tradition of building bridges among the diverse research and educational communities working in the computational biosciences. Attendees have come from as near as Aspen itself, and as far as Ireland to the East and Singapore to the West, bringing a worldwide community together for science and networking among the scenic Rocky Mountains. The three day conference program includes a great mix of keynotes, abstracts elevated for full length oral presentation, flash presentations, poster sessions and plenty of networking time indoors and on the ski slopes. Industry sponsorship opportunities are also available.



*/AMIA SUMMIT ON TRANSLATIONAL BIOINFORMATICS …/**/ /**/March 10-12/**/, 2008 … San Francisco/*

*_www.amia.org/meetings/stb08/call_invitation.asp_* <http://www.amia.org/meetings/stb08/call_invitation.asp>

*/SUBMISSION/**/ DEADLINE/**/ EXTENDED TO: September 24 (11:59PM EDT)/*

The new Annual Summit on Translational Bioinformatics has extended its paper submission deadline to accommodate demand from the community. Therefore, an additional week was added to the previous deadline and all papers, posters, and panel proposals are encouraged by the new deadline. See the full call at the URL above.


*ISCB Membership** – Join or Renew Now*

*_www.iscb.org/membership_* <http://www.iscb.org/membership>

If you would like to take advantage of the conference discounts to attend any conferences mentioned above, or wish to submit a nomination for ISCB President-elect, please renew or join today. Individual reminders are sent via email to those members whose memberships are coming up for renewal, but taking care of this in advance will ensure seamless continuation of your membership benefits and conference discounts. See the above URL for full membership benefits information and links to renew or enroll for a new membership.


If you would like to be removed from all future ISCB mailings please write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <https://webmail.sdsc.edu/0/_top?actioncompose=1&[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with the words "unsubscribe members" in the subject line and type your name as it was registered in the ISCB members database in the body of the text. As the mailing list is updated weekly, you will be unsubscribed within seven days.

Marco Roos
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam
Kruislaan 403, room F1.02
1098 SJ Amsterdam
tel. +31 (0) 20 525 7522

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