
I am contemplating how to represent biochemical reactions in RDF, and I
have some questions about properties and subproperties that I hope
anyone could shed some light on. What I want to do is to model reactions
and the involved entities like this:

_:bn1 a :Reaction;
    :substrate <info:inchi/InChI=1/H2O/h1H2>;
    :enzyme <http://purl.uniprot.org/uniprot/P07954>;

My idea is to substitute the predicate :enzyme with molecular functions
that are subclasses of GO:0003824 (catalytic activity), and use the GO
hiearchy to constrain which type of catalytic activity is:

@prefix GO: <http://purl.org/obo/owl/GO#>
_:bn1 a :Reaction;
    :substrate <info:inchi/InChI=1/H2O/h1H2>;
    GO:GO_0004333 <http://purl.uniprot.org/uniprot/P07954>;

As the GO categories presumably are of type rdfs:Class, my question is
if I am allowed to do this at all. Also, I suppose I have to remap the
class hierarchy to a property hierarchy, since the properties will not
heed the rdfs:subClassOf hierarchy. Perhaps something like this in

PREFIX GO: <http://purl.org/obo/owl/GO#>
CONSTRUCT { ?a a rdfs:Property .
            ?b a rdfs:Property .
            ?a rdfs:subPropertyOf ?b }
          {  ?a a GO:GO_000382 .
             ?b a GO:GO_000382 .
             ?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b } } .

Another question is how can I write this in RDF schema or OWL? I have a
nagging feeling that I am over-reaching on this one... Any comments


Tore Eriksson
Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Tore Eriksson [tore.eriksson ad po.rd.taisho.co.jp]

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