sorry for the long delay...see below...Dan

Kashyap, Vipul wrote:

        You are correct that classes in HL7 may have sub-classes.
        [VK] I think the interesting question is whether these
        classes are metaclasses, i.e., whether they belong to layer 1
        or whether they are in layer 2.

    <dan> Classes and subclasses in a UML model cannot represent
    "different layers" in your layered hierarchy...a subclass in a UML
    "isa" hierarchy "is" the same class as it's parent, it is just
    constrained by an additional set of attributes. />
    [VK] Agreed. However UML supports the metaclass stereotype which
    can be used to represent Layer 1 classes. The issue is whether
    a blood pressure observation class is an instance of the
    observtion metaclass; or whether blood pressure observation  class is
    a subclass of the Observation class in HL7.

<dan> I'm confused...can you illustrate in UML, perhaps with the blood pressure example? />

To be more specific, by definition, once a class in HL7 is
        instantiated, the classCode and the moodCode can never be
        changed throughout the lifecycle of the instance.
        [VK] Was wondering if instead of having multiple class codes
        and mood codes, if it were possible to actually represent
        them as individual classes?
        I beliebve the BRIDG model follows this approach.

    <dan> Correct. There is no semantic difference when representing
    the classCodes and moodCodes as separate classes in UML than with
    "superloading" the current classes with classCode and moodCode
    attributes. The classCode and moodCode attributes in the RIM are
    simply a method for extending the model through vocabulary
    manipulations. The BRIDG model elected to not use classCode and
    moodCode in the UML for two reasons (one most important reason is
    that the BRIDG is a "pre-RIM mapping analysis model" for the
    domain experts. A later mapping of the BRIDG to the RIM for
    purposes of use in documents, services, and messages would
    collapse the various classes into the appropriate moodCodes and
    classCode representations. />
    [VK] Appears to me then that the reason for introducing the mood
    codes and class codes is just a way to make the representation
    more compact and doesn't add new semantic information. This is one
    of the reasons why the RIM is difficult to understand.
    Would prefer a modeling approach similar to the BRIDG model where
    all the mood and class codes are explicitly represented as

<dan> Everyone has preferences on modeling conventions (and I don't necessarily disagree with your preferences)...The important thing is to understand what the models mean...If the concepts are the same, the concepts are the same...the pictures are just techniques for communicating the concepts. />

Therefore, operationally, the HL7 RIM ontology is
        definitively declared when the instance is created.
        [VK] This is interesting, because typically one first creates
        ontologies and then instantiates them.

<dan> depends what one means when one says they "create" an ontology. An ontology is just another name for a belief system. When one writes down one's beliefs, one is not really creating an ontology. />

    <dan> In small domains, that is true. However, in large domains,
    where information models and terminology model techniques are
    integrated, the "small domain" techniques provide huge amounts of
    ontologic combinatorial explosions. />
    [VK] I don't think this is a small vs large domain issue, it is
    more of a modeling approach. The combinatorial explosion is due to
    the underlying complexity of the domain, that will not go
    away. For e.g., there are a huge number of classes in Galen
    and Snomed. In the semantic web approach, instances are classified
    into one or more classes. In programming languages, one declares a
    variable to be of a particular type. But in both these cases the
types and classes are defined ahead of time. So, I am not clear in what sense you mean the above statemetn
<dan> looks like the antecedent to my statement "In small domains..." is lost somewhere above. In any case, in small domains, one can easily get a picture of all the classes on a small diagram that is easy for people to look at together. In large domains, the multitude of classes makes the diagram huge and makes it difficult to express the essentials on one computer screen or piece of paper (too many trees to see the forest). The HL7 UML model of the RIM that makes mood and class code attributes is simply a pictorial approach that assists discussion in many venues, i.e. one doesn't need a huge piece of paper on the wall! Again, not to get hung up in pictures of concepts. Focus on the concepts. />

         Further granularity in the semantic meaning of the instance
        is declared in the "code" attribute, which contains a series
        of fields: Original Text;
        mapping of orginal text to an expression from a published
        vocabulary (e.g. SNOMED);
        [VK] If we view SNOMED as an ontology, this effectively
        declares that instance to be an instance of the class
        described by the SNOMED expression.

    <dan> Correct...The instance must be simultaneously an expression
    of any hierarchies and other associations in SNOMED and of any
hierarchies and assocations in the HL7 RIM. />
The essential rule of Term Info in HL7 is that none of these
        parts of an "expression" may contradict the other, although
        each part may contribute to the total semantic meaning of the
        "expression." It is also important that the semantic meaning
        of the "class" within its hierarchy in the RIM and the
        meaning of the published code within its hierarchy in the
        published coding system not contradict each other. However,
        much work remains in order to remove contradictions in the
        hierarchies of all these ontologies when used together.
        [VK] This is exactly where having a common representational
        formalism and framework to represent information models and
        terminologies would be very useful!

    <dan> Ergo...The Term Info project. Should this group join efforts
    with HL7 TermInfo, since both groups are trying to achieve the
    same ends? />
    [VK] Would like to propose a task force where the OWL can be
    offered as a candidate formalism to support the requirements
    identified by TermInfo. Would this be of interest to you, Samson,
    Peter, Stan Huff and the rest of the HL7/TermInfo gang?
    (As noted earlier, the RIM is a compromise between the very
    abstract, raw, models like ASN.1 or EAV and the more concrete
    models often found in database schemas for a narrow domain.)
[VK] This sort of validates my opinion that it is more of a meta-model, i.e., it belongs to Layer 1. <dan> Correct. The RIM in your model belongs in Layer 1 and the
    domain specific, derived models from the RIM, e.g. Clinical
    Statement Pattern, implementable RMIM, CDA,, service models,
    belong in your Layer 2. />
[VK] Great!
        What are called Archetypes in OpenEHR correspond to HL7
        structures called Care Structures in HL7 Patient Care. These
        "Care Structures" represent aggregations of classes used to
        represent a medical record construct such as a problem list
        or care plan. Care Structures typical provide the "context"
        to very granular concepts. For example, by itself, the term
        "diabetes Type 2" is merely a concept. Once diabetes is
        placed within a problem list care structure for a specific
        patient, the "sense" of  what is meant by "diabetes Type 2"
        in a particular assertion of the term is more clear.
        [VK] Would be interested in undertanding the semantics
        underlying the "Care Structure"? Maybe one could
        model specific classes for a Problem and a Care Plan and may
        be Diabetes Type 2 can be a subclass or an instance of the
        Problem MetaClass or Class. Just throwing out some alternate
        modeling approaches ...  Would like to know the fallacies if

<dan> These models that are specific to problems and care plans already exist under the Care Structure Domain in Care Provision. />

    <dan> When the SNOMED code for diabetes is used in the Observation
    class in the RIM, one is creating an instance of the combined
    relationships found in the RIM and in SNOMED. You aren't really
    adding any new modeling approaches here. />
    [VK] Probably not, what I am trying to do is reinterpret and make
    explicit the semantics in the context of a multi-layered
    In HL7 templated CDA documents (like CCD), templates are used to
    bind to a schematron conformance test that validates that a
    certain XML Care Structures (again, aggreations of classes,
    attributes, and vocabulary) do not extend beyond a specific set of
    allowable constraints. Therefore, templates don't really add to
    semantic meaning. However, the do enforce semantic meaning, and
    therefore support improved interoperability.
    [VK] Agree CDA documents do not add to the semantics. We are more
    interested in the information model or R-MIM underlying the CDA.
    <dan> you missed the point that templateID is part of the RMIM of
    the CDA. The templates are used to enforce the combined
    information model and terminology models conformance statements. />
    [VK] OK, then what you are suggesting is that a template is
    logically equivalent to a set of constraints on the information
    model. Would be interested in representing these conformance
    statements as a set of OWL axioms

<dan> I agree...Adding an OWL version of these conformance statements would be a great next step. />

    I hope this long-winded description helps in this "multi-layered
    Knowledge Representation" discussion. How one classifies the
    concept of "context" for a given concept, or the concept of
    "conformance testing the constraints on an aggregation of
    structure and vocabulary" in a multi-layer Knowledge
    Representation is not clear to me.

    [VK] Some thoghts on this are as follows:

        - A context can be typically represented as a MetaClass or a

    <dan> Context for an instance of a class is represented by all the
    many class associations that exist for an individual class
    instance. Computationally, in an EHR, the context extends to
    anything previously recorded in the EHR as well as all the
    associations to references outside of the EHR, e.g. knowledge
    links to country information, terminology information, basic
    science information, facility information, etc. Don't think too
    small on context! />

        - A given concept can be a class which can be represented as
        an instance or a sublcass of the context or associated with a
        context through well defined
          semantic relationships
        - Can you present a concrete definition of conformance? I am
        assuming for the purposes of this discussion Conformance =
        Semantic Subsumption.
          Assuming that we have represented concepts and aggregation
        structures in a common formalism, conformance would
        correspond to checking
          for subsumption.

    <dan> There are many kinds of "conformance." One basic example is
    testing the contents of a data entry field before committing the
    contents to the database to make sure the contents have the right
    kinds of characters, e.g. numeric, alphabetic, etc.
    [VK]  This is basically syntax checking which checks for the
    format in which data is represented and is not an information
    modeling or semantics issue.
Schematron testing in CDA tests the conformance of the XML
    structure and the codes and other values within the XML structure
    (think terminology) to make sure the wrong codes aren't used in a
    specific XML structure.
    [VK] XMl structure testing can be tricky because the healthcare IT
    community has used XML Schema to represent information models. XML
    Schema is a language designed to describe the format and structure
    of XML documents in contrast with languages
    such as RDF, OWL and UML which seek to describe the semantics
    underlying these documents. So "checking for conformance of XML
    Structure" could either (A) check for the validitiy of the
    structure of the XML Document or for (B) validity of the information
    model (R-MIM) underlying the XML document. What would be relevant
    is (B) and we could try to use OWL axioms to describe the type of
    conformance statements represented by (B)
    Finally matching terminologies is a semantics issues and
    OWL/Description Logics have been used to represent Snomed and
    terminology matchin can be expressed in terms of OWL subsumptions.

<dan> Again...agreed...OWL is a natural tool for this task />

I'm sure that a broader definition of conformance can be created
    that includes things as basic as character validation and as
    complex as information model/vocabulary model validation. />
    [VK] What can easily be implemted using OWL is information
    model/vocabulary validation
Cheers, ---Vipul
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