Matthias Samwald wrote:
Question: Does a mapping between DBpedia and the OBO ontologies exist? Has someone already invested some time in doing this, or at least reviewed how to best approach it?

Given the central position of DBpedia in the linked data cloud and its rich content in the biomedical domain, creating such a mapping is an obvious (and very useful) thing to do.

Matthias Samwald

DERI Galway, Ireland

Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution & Cognition Research, Austria


If it hasn't been done by the Bio2RDF or NeuroCommons folks, then one for you.

A quick way to determine if anything exists is to query the instance at: (which is a Virtuoso instance hosting 80% of the LOD cloud; actually most of the really large data sets are there already including LODD, Uniprot, Bio2RDF, NeuroCommons, etc..).

Just put in a text pattern, then use the "usage analysis" link to see details about cross linkage etc..

Now that the instance is reaching a point of stability, we can turn our attention to a VoiD graph that describes this huge Linked Data space.

Naturally, the SPARQL endpoint is at:  .



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