On Mar 28, 2009, at 1:54 PM, John F. Madden MD, PhD wrote:


I think its fine for the SWeb to include 'weak' semantic links that don't (yet?) have tight definitions that can support machine inference, but still convey useful information to users and maybe even tool developers. (I know saying this runs the risk of opening the old 'social meaning' can of worms, but those worms aren't going to go away :-)

If you're willing to run with this a bit, I'd be curious about your thoughts. Turns out, this theme has been popping up in HCLS a fair amount recently.

And elsewhere. A few of us spent a whole day discussing it intensely in Cambridge recently. Increased bandwidth does not however lead to greater mutual illumination.

Sometimes, it arises in the context of knowledge-capture, viz., how do you get experts who are not ontology-savvy to disgorge their knowledge in an ontologically useful way? Here, you might resort to loose semantics because the skill of the modelers does not support the precision that is desired. In other words, the knowledge is actually there and could in principle could be modeled more elaborately, but demanding precision yields diminishing returns because amateurish modeling errors proliferate.

Yes, well, you can't expect to get professional results for a whole ontology this way. But 'loose identity' seems to be a very useful special case (or maybe cases)

Other times it arises in the context of garden-variety uncertainty: there is no ripe knowledge to be harvested, just a bunch of hunches and intuitions. But for a particular community, these hunches and intuitions might have value. (Usually, they don't have value--and may even be toxic, in the sense of "large doses may kill you"--for the world-at-large, because intuitions by their nature rely heavily on background/contextual understanding.

So, drawing those out is the best way to proceed. Mutual incomprehension is one way to at least show up such background/ unstated/contextual issues.

 guess, is one aspect of 'social meaning'.)

Anyway, the former problem (seems to me) is a human-engineering problem. If we could figure out cleverer, more assistive modeling tools and better educational techniques for ontology training, we might be able to fix it.

Yes, this is what people here call the 'knowledge extraction' game, getting people experts to say their expertise in a form that it beginning to be formalizable. We have local experts at this stuff, they are all psychologists rather than engineers. It is not a fully automatable skill at present, but they do use software tools to help them. Also it is _highly_ interactive, done best with teams.

The second problem, I think, could only be helped by keeping these assertions "inside-the-fence" of the community that had any use for them. But this is a problem, because the semantic web isn't supposed to have any fences, i.e. "anybody can say anything about anything". What to do?

I don't think we need fences around the terminology, just its informal semantics. But that is easy. So if some community is using sameProteinAs, and they tell me that it has no formal meaning but they find it useful, then what's the harm in that? If I can grok their (informal) semantics, I can maybe use it in ways that they will find useful, which is fine. We still get the (not especially semantic, but Webbish) advantages of IRIs being globally unique and providing access to source documents, etc..

I've been hoping that Named Graphs would solve this problem. I'm curious if you think NG's can support this use case of segregating potentially toxic 'knowledge' on the SW.

It would allow one ontology to say explicilty that some other ontology isn't for public use, or something similar. But in the case we are talking about, surely we wouldn't have a genuine ontology to say such bad things about, right?


The other solution I can think of is the solution that enterprises use for privacy: set up private webs, intranets, yadda yadda. Which seems scary.


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