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Please disseminate this message in your networks / subscribed lists.
We also take this chance to invite you contribute a paper / proposal
to these events. Thanks in advance.

Call for Workshop Proposals

1. Conference: GPC 2010 (The 5th International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing)
Web: http://gpc2010.ndhu.edu.tw/
Place/Date: Hualien, Taiwan / May 10-14, 2010
Publication: LNCS, Springer
Proposal Due: 10 December, 2010
Contact: Prof. Shi-Jim Yen (sj...@mail.ndhu.edu.tw ); Prof. Robert C. Hsu (c...@chu.edu.tw)

2. Conference: UIC 2010 (The 6th International Conference on Ubiquitous Inte)
Place/Date: Xian, China / October 26-29, 2010
Publication: IEEE CS (EI indexed, IEEE Digital library)
Proposal Due: January 31, 2010
Contact: Prof. Robert C. Hsu (c...@chu.edu.tw); Prof. Mieso Denko (de...@cis.uoguelph.ca)

Call for Research Papers

3. Conference: MTPP 2010 (The 2nd Russia-Taiwan Symposium on Methods and Tools of Parallel Programming Multicomputers)
Web: http://grid.chu.edu.tw/mtpp2010/
Place/Date: Vladivostok, Russia / May 17-19, 2010
Publication: LNCS, Springer (EI Indexed, DBLP)
Submission Due: January 10, 2010

4. Conference: ICA3PP 2010 (The 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architecture for Parallel Processing)
Web: http://cse.stfx.ca/~ica3pp2010/
Place/Date: Busan, Korea / May 21-23, 2010
Publication: LNCS, Springer (EI Indexed, DBLP)
Submission Due: November 30, 2009

5. Conference: IET FC 2010 (The IET International Conference on Frontier Computing)
Web: http://fc2010.cs.pu.edu.tw/
Place/Date: Taichung, Taiwan / July 19-21, 2010
Publication: IET Press (EI Indexed, IEEE Digital library)
Submission Due: December 25, 2009

6. Conference: SMPE 2010 (The Fourth International Symposium on Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environments)
Web: http://www.ftrg.org/smpe2010/
Place/Date: Perth, Australia / April 20-23, 2010
Publication: IEEE CS (EI indexed, IEEE Digital library)
Submission Due: November 1, 2009

7. Conference: FutureTech 2010 (The 5th International Cnoference on Future Information Technology)
Web: http://www.ftrg.org/futuretech2010/
Place/Date: Busan, Korea / May 21-23, 2010
Publication: IEEE CS (EI indexed, IEEE Digital library)
Submission Due: November 30, 2009

8. Conference: BodyNets 2010 (The Fifth International Conference on Body Area Networks)
Web: http://www.bodynets.org/
Place/Date: Corfu Island, Greece / Spetember 10-12, 2010
Publication: LNICST (EI indexed, DBLP)
Submission Due: March 22, 2010

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