
this looks pretty comprehensive.

Below is the list of speakers:

   * *M. Scott Marshall* (The W3C consortium). Where is the W3C now and
     what should happen next?
   * *Phil Brooks* (Eli Lilly), Semantic Web for Health Care and Life
     Sciences <http://videolectures.net/iswc08_prudhommeaux_swhcls/>
   * *Lee Harland *(Pfizer) Industry needs
   * *Derek Scuffell *(Syngenta) Opportunities and minimum requirements
     for industry
   * *Phil Ashworth *(UCB) Industrial Strength Architectures for life
     sciences, including considerations for federated search.
   * *Don Jennings* (Eli Lilly) Experience of TopBraid, Integrating
     semantic access to data within Lilly and building linked data maps
   * *Laurent Alquier* (J&J) Intranet data integration using Semantic
   * *Nicolas Le Novère* (EMBL-EBI), the Importance of Semantics to
     Systems Biology
   * *Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann* (EMBL-EBI) Practical experiences from
     the SESL (Semantic Enhancement of the Scientific Literature) project.
   * *Jerven Bolleman* (SIB) Quality control using sparql and UniProt rdf
   * *Jeremy Frey* (U. Southampton) Practical applications of semantic
     web technology in Chemistry.
   * *Dean Allemang* Examples of best practice from industry
   * *Michel Dumontier* (Carleton University) Bio2RDF
   * *Matthias Samwald,* (Medical University of Vienna), title TBC

=> 50 Attendees sounds right.
=> There has been some room for break-out sessions and the definition of business needs / challenges => The workshop serves as one source of input to define the EBI's stand on Semantic Web technology (past, present, future) => The IP workshop was followed by a two-day tutorial on Linked Data / Ontologies / Semantic resources (Slides will be available soon)

Concerning Scott's email: there are a couple of resources (Triple Stores) under development at the EBI, which are or will be available as public resources and which distribute data of different kinds:
* SPARQL endpoints (UniProt, SESL, possibly ChEMBL)
* Triple Stores for download:
*** UniProt
*** SESL: Diabetes driven data integration, incl. ArrayExpress, UniProt, publisher data, in preparation *** CALBC: several 100k Medline abstracts with a large number of annotations, genes/proteins, diseases, chemical entities, species, all about immunology

Stay tuned,

On 25/05/2011 11:57, LeeH wrote:
I didnt see these questions get answered so...
- The workshop was organised by me (Lee Harland, Pfizer), Derek Scuffle (Syngenta), Dominc Clark & Nicolas Le Novere. - There were about 50 people there, mostly industry and some invited speakers & some EBI - For those who dont know it, the EBI industry programme is a subscription-based group that provides a mechanism for life science industry to work directly with the EBI on strategy and addressing needs. The workshop was part of a large series of workshops we run on many different topics relevant to industry (google ebi industry programme for more info). The aim of this was to allow industry to chat about its experience with SW in an informal setting, away from the pressure of big conferences, and to explore areas of collaboration with the EBI - There were no biotech representatives there; the EBI also runs an SME forum which provides a similar mechanism for EBI & biotech to get together. I dont know much more than this, but if interested Dominic Clark is your man. - Access to the presentations. I was going to speak to dominic about this next week. Generally presentations are stored in a secure website, which allows presenters (especially from companies) to be sure their materials are not generally distributed. However, i think many presenters whould be OK with this, so we will see what we can do... - Finally, is this related to the Pistoia alliance.... The direct answer is no. The EBI industry programme is a completely separate entity and this was purely based on that. However, a significant number of folks who are active in Pistoia (such as me) have also worked long term with the EBI. the EBI is also a member of Pistoia too. So, i think the best thing to say is that "there are great connections between the 2 groups". Also the EBI is the lead on the Pistoia SESL project (semantic enrichement of the scientific literature - more details are available to those interested), so there are firm connections between ebi & pistoia in the semantic area I think that answers all the questions I've seen.... Happy to talk to anyone about thoughts/opportunities etc. Within Pistoia we're actively discussing where the semantic web fits, to that end there's an interesting meeting coming up

On 25 May 2011 09:17, Erick Antezana <erick.antez...@gmail.com <mailto:erick.antez...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    are the presentations/program somewhere available?

    was there any representative of a biotech company attending such

    is it somehow related to the Pistoia Alliance?


    On 25 May 2011 00:56, M. Scott Marshall <mscottmarsh...@gmail.com
    <mailto:mscottmarsh...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > Last week, Michel Dumontier, Matthias Samwald and I were invited to
    > speak at the EBI Semantic Web Industry Workshop. We each gave some
    > HCLS perspectives and heard many other very interesting talks from
    > industry representatives. Phil Brooks (Johnson & Johnson) gave an
    > excellent tutorial. TopBraid Composer was widely touted. A few
    > encouraging news items: Nicolas Le Novere told us that MIRIAM
    > identifiers will go to URIs (from URNs) and Jerven Bolleman told us
    > that Uniprot is getting a SPARQL endpoint for their RDF. There was a
    > strong pharma presence at the workshop.
    > Also, on the LODD front:
    > * Oktie Hassanzadeh has created a linkedct (linked version of
    > clinicaltrials.gov <http://clinicaltrials.gov/>) that is updated
    > * Anja Jentzsch is working on an update of several Berlin-hosted
    LODD data sets
    > * Egon Willighagen is updating the downloadable RDF version of
    > to version 9
    > Cheers,
    > Scott
    > --
    > M. Scott Marshall, W3C HCLS IG co-chair, http://www.w3.org/blog/hcls
    > http://staff.science.uva.nl/~marshall

Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, MD, PhD - Research Group Leader
EBI, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton CB10 1SD (UK)
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TM support:www.ebi.ac.uk/Rebholz-svr | tm-supp...@ebi.ac.uk

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