This if interest in science news:

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On Dec 21, 2011, at 11:39, Oliver Ruebenacker <> wrote:

>     Hello,
>  I am looking for evidence I can quote to convince non-experts of the
> significance of applying Semantic Web to biomedical research,
> especially computational cell biology.
>  I need a recorded public statement from a source recognizable as
> authoritative to a non-expert: e.g. could be from a relevant
> government agency, a well-known research institution (including major
> grad schools and companies), a well-known (i.e. well-known outside the
> field) expert, some one where a brief look at the biography
> immediately suggests he or she is an authority, some one quoted in
> major media, etc.
>  Significance could mean abstract things like advancing science and
> health care, but even better would be tangible things like: saves
> lives, saves money, cures cancer/malaria/AIDS, creates jobs, etc.
>  Thanks a lot!
>     Take care
>     Oliver
> -- 
> Oliver Ruebenacker, Computational Cell Biologist
> Virtual Cell (
> SBPAX: Turning Bio Knowledge into Math Models (

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