Matthias, that is great progress! Besides rule-based guidelines, can the OWL 
representation handle linear-equation-based (dosage or risk score) guidelines? 
For instance, dosage=0.74*age + 0.25*(smoking or not) + 0.3 * weight? -Simon

From: Matthias Samwald []
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 8:49 AM
Subject: CDS Telecon today cancelled; updated ontology available soon

Dear all,

Please note that the Clinical Decision Support teleconference today is 

I can report that I am close to finalizing the first release of the ontology 
for pharmacogenomics-based clinical decision support, including an OWL 2-based 
representation of clinical guidelines of the CPIC and the Royal Dutch 
Pharmacogenetics Working Group, as well as OWL 2 based definitions of 
clinically relevant alleles and phenotypes. I will keep you updated via e-mail.


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