On 11/26/12 10:53 AM, M. Scott Marshall wrote:
Hi All,

I cancelled the LLD task force teleconference due to lack of a pressing agenda. I would like to pick it up again next Monday.

We finally have an improved version of the RDF Guide W3C Interest Group Note in HTML at:

There might very well be "version creep" due to multiple editors and versions (journal article, corrections, improvements, updates) that were synchronized to some extent.

Please take a look at it send comments to Richard (CCd) and myself. Current plan is to talk about it next Monday, possibly moving to ratify and release.

I look forward to seeing some of you at the SWAT4LS events in the coming days in Paris:

Note that we are planning to support remote participation at Wednesday's hackathon so please contact me if you are interested and I will do my best to help you discover how to participate remotely.


M. Scott Marshall, PhD
MAASTRO clinic, http://www.maastro.nl/en/1/

Scott et al.,

Great job!

Little correction request re. Q13 where it currently reads:

There are a number of Linked Data browsers that enable browsing of Linked Data such as Disco (C. Bizer & Gauß 2007), Tabulator (Tabulator 2011), and Openlink Browser (Tabulator 2011). An overview of these types of browsers is available at the Linked Open Data Browser Switch web site (LOD 2011). There are also RDF crawlers such as Sindice (Sindice 2011), SWSE (SW 2011) and Swoogle (Swoogle 2011). While generic Linked Data browsers are useful for getting an overview of the raw data available on the web, they may not be practical for all end-users because the user interfaces are generally not very user-friendly and “on-the-fly” aggregation of distributed data is often slow. Fortunately, custom applications can be built that utilize SPARQL endpoints in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) based on distributed vocabulary resources and Linked Data. In our experience, applications built using this approach are generally faster than applications that rely on URI / PURL resolution. Moreover, this approach generally makes it possible to create both web applications, such as those based on AJAX libraries (Jun Zhao et al. 2009), and stand-alone applications based on the same architecture and relying on the same API (SPARQL).

Openlink Browser (Tabulator 2011) should be: OpenLink ODE Browser (with reference to the product's home page)[1].

http://ode.openlinksw.com .



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder & CEO
OpenLink Software
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