On Dec 19, 2006, at 17:51, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
1. Does anyone see any other issue in the current draft that should be fixed? 2. For the following options, do you consider the names "fine", "not great but acceptable", or "unacceptable"?

I find match and matchAll to be unacceptable. In terms of genericity, usefulness, and actual deployed usage CSS comes third behind regular expressions and XPath, both of which come to mind before CSS does.

Beyond that I don't have a strong opinion but I find matchSelector/ matchAllSelectors to be better due to being shorter (and not having a zillion casing toggles like the gEBS).

If you want a name that matches usage and the reality of what us developers will understand intuitively, I would recommend matchCSS. It's short, it's obvious, and it says exactly what it does.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/
Bender: Yeah! Well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park. With
  blackjack! And hookers! In fact, forget about the park!
                        -- Futurama

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