Julian Reschke wrote:
It's also inappropriate to require implementations not to send the body when HTTP allows it. So how about staying silent about it?

Let me just recap the start of this thread:

Laurens Holst sent <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapi/2007Dec/0008.html>, which raises the question of what the XHR spec should specify for cases when data is passed to send(). In particular, it wants to explicitly specify the behavior.

I asked: "Is it conforming for a UA to drop the body for GET requests?" in the context of this situation.

Bjoern Hoehrmann answered: "Not as far as I can tell."

That to me implies that the XHR spec is requiring the sending of entity-bodies with GET requests. All I'm asking for is that the spec not make such a requirement.


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