
When the XMLHttpRequest() constructor is invoked a persistent pointer to the associated Document object is stored on the newly created object. This is the Document pointer. The associated Document object is the one returned by the document attribute from the object on which the XMLHttpRequest() constructor was invoked (a Window object). The pointer can become "null" if the object is
destroyed. , point 11 says

If stored url is not of the same-origin as the origin of the Document pointerthe user agent should raise a SECURITY_ERR exception and terminate these steps.

When the XMLHttpRequest() constructor is *invoked*, the window.document property might point to a document from a different origin. For example, given a document with an iframe from the same origin and a script that does

var xhrConstructor = iframe.contentWindow.XMLHttpRequest;
var xhr = new xhrConstructor();

When the constructor is invoked here, the associated document of its associated window object is not safe to do same-origin comparisons against. I've tested this in the main 4 engines, and they all protect against this exploit but as far as I can see someone implementing the spec as it's written would end up vulnerable.

(I tested this scenario with to-same-origin and to-different-origin redirects - i.e. not quite what the sample code above does but it should be equivalent. IE 8 throws on invoking the constructor if the document has changed - even if the new document is from the same origin. Firefox, Opera and Safari allow requests if the new document is same-origin but not if it's from a different origin. Spec-wise, requiring what IE does seems safer - perhaps what happens is that the variable refers to the actual window.XMLHttpRequest object and that object is destroyed by navigation. Keeping a pointer to an "associated original window location" with a random variable that happens to point to an XHR constructor would be very non-ECMAScript-y, at least according to my gut feeling. Given that I don't know how one could spec what the other browsers do..).

Hallvord R. M. Steen
Core JavaScript tester, Opera Software
Opera - simply the best Internet experience

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