Maciej Stachowiak wrote on 1/15/2009 10:40 PM: 
> CONCLUSION: We should use a single Origin header with the name and
> semantics of the Access-Control Origin header for both its
> Access-Control purpose and for redirect defense. The differences in the
> HTML5 version are not worth the cost of a very similar but subtly
> different header. And if we ever find the attack in case 3 is more than
> theoretical, we could add a 'Redirected-Via' header to provide full
> information.

Thank you for the extended explanation.  I do now see your point, and agree 
it's probably the best course of action.  It will, however, still leave open 
some odd side-effects from not identifying the redirect source, but maybe 
they're unlikely to be common.  For example, Site A allows the users to specify 
a remote location for their avatar image; the user points to Site B, which in 
turn then redirects to Site C.  Site C doesn't like its images being used 
remotely and checks the Origin header and identifies Site A.  Site C then 
complains to Site A about the hotlinking; Site A checks it's avatar URLs and 
doesn't find Site C listed.  So now you have Site C being hotlinked from Site 
A, but Site A has no way to discover how it's happening other than to crawl all 
outbound URLs.

- Bil

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