On Jan 16, 2009, at 9:02 AM, Bil Corry wrote:

Maciej Stachowiak wrote on 1/15/2009 10:40 PM:
CONCLUSION: We should use a single Origin header with the name and
semantics of the Access-Control Origin header for both its
Access-Control purpose and for redirect defense. The differences in the
HTML5 version are not worth the cost of a very similar but subtly
different header. And if we ever find the attack in case 3 is more than
theoretical, we could add a 'Redirected-Via' header to provide full

Thank you for the extended explanation. I do now see your point, and agree it's probably the best course of action. It will, however, still leave open some odd side-effects from not identifying the redirect source, but maybe they're unlikely to be common. For example, Site A allows the users to specify a remote location for their avatar image; the user points to Site B, which in turn then redirects to Site C. Site C doesn't like its images being used remotely and checks the Origin header and identifies Site A. Site C then complains to Site A about the hotlinking; Site A checks it's avatar URLs and doesn't find Site C listed. So now you have Site C being hotlinked from Site A, but Site A has no way to discover how it's happening other than to crawl all outbound URLs.

Such hotlinking is probably using a GET request, so no Origin header would be sent. I believe it is also outside the scope of the CSRF protection and cross-origin data sharing goals of Origin. The Referer header is still usable for hotlinking prevention in this scenario, the only downside being that it is apparently often filtered by sites or users for privacy reasons.


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