comments inline, thanks for reviewing this

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Mar 27, 2009, at 1:26 PM, ext Hillebrand, Rainer wrote:

Dear Marcos,

I hope to have less critical comments than in my last feedback email.

1. Section 7.1: change "The ds:SignatureMethod algorithm used in the ds:SignatureValue element MUST one of the signature algorithms." to "The ds:SignatureMethod algorithm used in the ds:SignatureValue element MUST be one of the signature algorithms."


2. Section 7.1: "The ds:KeyInfo element MAY be included and MAY include certificate, CRL and/or OCSP information.": CRL and OCSP are not defined before. Do you have a reference for these abbreviations?

will add RFC references. (but should be common to those familar with certs )

3. Section 7.3: "The set of acceptable trust anchors, and policy decisions based on the signer's identity are established through a security-critical out-of-band mechanism." I do not really understand this sentence. This is not subject for the processing rules, isn't it? What is an acceptable trust anchor? Are they really established or may they be established?

knowing whom you can trust and how to establish that trust is out of scope.

4. Section 8: change "Care should be taken to avoid resource exhaustion attacks through maliciously crafted Widget archives during signature verification." to "Care should be taken to avoid resource exhaustion attacks through maliciously crafted [widget package]s during signature validation."


5. Section 8: change "Implementations should be careful about trusting path components found in the zip archive" to "Implementations should be careful about trusting path components found in the [widget package]"


6. Section 8: change "and naive unpacking of widget archives into" to "and naive unpacking of [widget package]s into"


7. Section 8: change "e.g., overwriting of startup or system files" to "e.g. overwriting of startup or system files"

No, I believe the correct usage is to have the comma. e.g. means "exempli gratia" , meaning "for example".
for example, some text
I think we should change to "for example" in this case.

8. Section 8: change "There is no single signature file that includes all contents of a widget, including all of the signatures." to "There is no single signature file that includes all files of a [widget package], including all of the signature files."

ok, since everything is a file

9. Section 8: change "This leaves a widget package subject to an attack where distributor signatures can be removed (and an author signature if any corresponding distributor signature is also removed), or added." to "This leaves a widget package subject to an attack where distributor signatures can be removed or added. An author signature could also be attacked by removing it and any distributor signatures if they are present."

better, thanks

Best Regards,


T-Mobile International
Terminal Technology
Rainer Hillebrand
Head of Terminal Security
Landgrabenweg 151, D-53227 Bonn

+49 171 5211056 (My T-Mobile)
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