On Jun 26, 2009, at 10:26 AM, Nikunj R. Mehta wrote:

As a side note, it should be noted Berkeley DB itself could not be used by WebKit or Gecko to implement the spec, because even though it is open source, the license is not compatible with the LGPL. It seems unlikely that non-open-source browser engines could use it either, unless they are willing to pay Oracle for a commercial license. So it's very important for the spec to be clear and detailed, because everyone will have to implement it from scratch.

Huh? what? I hope you had read Oracle's BDB license document [3] and open source FAQ [4]. IANAL, but I can get answers for your specific concerns in the context of open source Berkeley DB. AFAICT, someone like Mozilla would not face any trouble with the open source license of Berkeley DB. YMMV.

I read the license. By my reading, it imposes requirements that go beyond WebKit's LGPL license or Gecko's BSD/GPL/LGPL tri-license: <http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/htdocs/oslicense.html >. Specifically clause 3 of the license.

It's also not clear to me if a BDB-level API is sufficient for developer needs. As I understand it, it's basically a giant dictionary with unstructured keys and values. So it's not providing much over LocalStorage, except for prefix matching and the ability to hold large amounts of records or records that are individually large. There's no way to efficiently query by one of several fields, as I understand it.

I trust that you are relatively new to storing data with B-trees. They are at the heart of Oracle's indices so efficiency is out of question. If you are wondering how can people store complex data items with multiple fields and repeating values, look at Berkeley DB Java Edition, which supports the EJB 3 persistence model [5]. FYI, there is no significant difference between the APIs of BDB Java Edition and the original BDB. They also have identical licensing requirements.

Your references do not appear to explain on a technical level how one stores data with multiple fields in a way that you can query efficiently by more than one of them. I would appreciate a brief explanation.


P.S. I would appreciate if you could discuss technical matters without mock incredulity or condescension.

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