On Dec 16, 2009, at 4:09 PM, ext Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 20:46:03 +0100, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

What's the deadline by which we have to have submitted a request? If
there's time, I'd like to address Adrian's feedback on the Web Sockets API and then either publish it as LC (if Adrian agrees) or at least WD.

I think it makes more sense to publish as a working draft right now. The reality is that wider review that wasn't actually done earlier is often triggered by people holding something up, so assuming that your approach to addressing those comments in one day would result in a draft the entire
group thinks is ready if they actually review it carefully seems
optimistic at best.

Chaals' points are good and if we want a publication of websockets before the December 18 publication request deadline, we should ask Hixie to please prepare a (non-LC) WD of websockets for 22 December publication.

Hixie - is this doable?

-Art Barstow

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