Hi All,

On Jan 12, 2010, at 10:42 AM, ext Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
On Jan 12, 2010, at 3:48 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

Was that Advisory Committee Review process followed for any of the
other specs we're working on that are not mentioned by name in the
charter? I listed a number of them in my earlier email (Selectors 2.0,
WebSimpleDB, DataCache, UMP).

The Chairs and Team contacts discussed all of these and agreed they were covered by WebApps' current charter.

In this case, it seems like we should follow the precedence used
with the other specs that were split from HTML5 and moved to
WebApps, thus this new spec would need to be added to WebApps
Charter before WebApps can publish it.

Anyway, I'll ask the Team for advice on the way forward and we
should move this administrative thread to WebApps Member list.

The decision is that WebApps may now publish a Working Group _Note_ for postMessage and MessageChannel but we may not publish a Working Draft until this item is formally added to our Charter.

-Art Barstow

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