It's interesting to note that on most modern OSes (Mac OS X, Vista, Win 7
...) the OS actually does create a pre-computed high quality icon for many
files, e.g. images, PDF, Word, Photoshop, .... It is almost free to get this
from the OS, and the OS also has 3 default sizes for it. It would be great
to provide access to this if you have a File handle to it.


2010/1/28 Adam Barth <>

> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 6:24 AM, Pierre-Antoine LaFayette
> <> wrote:
> > Adam, could you provide your thoughts on using about:icon?
> I'd prefer not to use about:icon, but I don't think it matters much.
> Currently, the only URL in the about scheme that's accessible to web
> content is about:blank.  I believe Internet Explorer has a "res"
> scheme that might be more appropriate.  That's a general way to refer
> to browser-provided resources with URLs.  Perhaps
> res:icon?ext=html&size=32
> At a higher level, we could bikeshed about the name forever.  You
> should pick whatever you think is most aesthetic since you're driving
> the process.
> Adam

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