Hi, Ian-

No need to apologize... HTML is a little bit more widely adopted than SVG (I suspect that there are 10x as many HTML documents as SVG documents on the Web).

It may be that only specifying text and HTML notifications is the best way forward for now, I just wanted to make sure it was an informed decision. I agree with the simplicity goal. Fallbacks and defaults make a lot of sense to me. I'll noodle a bit and see if I can come up with a simple mechanism, but I'm probably happier reviewing other people's proposals.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote (on 2/23/10 2:20 PM):
Doug -

I did not mean to be HTML centric, apologies. I'm currently going
through a debate in my mind (scary thing) about whether allowing an
arbitrary mime type and content would be good or bad. My gut sense here
is that if the UA is capable of displaying it, we should allow it, and
it will be used or not used (with fallbacks provided) based on the
support of UAs, with more UAs evolving to support it as user demand
grows. Ideally we would provide multiple fallbacks, e.g. allow someone
to specify an ordered list in order of preference, e.g. text/html
representation followed by image/svg+xml followed by text/plain
(although perhaps text/plain is better left broken out, so that it's
more visible and people actually fill it in, as opposed to being some
option in a list of things you can provide).


CreateInteractiveNotification(in DOMString text-fallback, [Optional] in
DOMString MimeType1, [Optional] in DOMString NotificationFormat1,
[Optional] in DOMString MimeType2, [Optional] NotificationFormat2, ...)

forgive my broken IDL, I'm sure there's a better way to express it, but
you get the idea.

At any rate, I'm not opposed to what you propose, just trying to think
out loud of how to best do that while still ensuring that a text
fallback is still reasonably simple (and obvious) to specify.


Am 23. Februar 2010 10:24 schrieb Doug Schepers <schep...@w3.org

    Hi, Ian-

    I generally agree with you, and certainly with your sentiment.  Not
    to go all SVG on you, but why "*HTMLNotification"?  I understand
    that HTML is really common, and that increasingly SVG can be used as
    part of HTML, but there are lots of devices out there (TVs, mobiles,
    set-top boxes) that use SVG rather than HTML, which would benefit
    from these interactive notifications... shouldn't we define a more
    generic "CreateWebNotification" and pass an optional MIME Type
    parameter that defaults to "text/html" (or some similar mechanism)?

    I strongly agree with the sentiment that we should design for the
    future, in any case, and not limit ourselves to simple text

    -Doug Schepers
    W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

    Ian Fette (イアンフェッティ) wrote (on 2/23/10 1:06 PM):

        This thread seems to have languished, and I'm trying to figure
        out how
        to move forward here.

        My understanding, grossly simplified, of the current state of
        the world
        is this:

        1. Some people have a desire to show HTML / interactive
        to support use cases like "remind me of this calendar event
        again in 5
        minutes" or "Answer this call / hang up this call."
        2. Some people have a concern that the proposed way to achieve
        1, namely
        allowing HTML, will result in certain platform notification systems
        (Growl, NotifyOSD etc) not to be used.

        I will disclose my biases up front and say that I do believe the use
        cases that 1) tries to support are important. (I want to be able to
        interact with a calendar notification to say "remind me again"
        or "take
        me to the full details of the event," for instance). I also am
        of the
        belief regarding #2, being unable to find any actual data on how
        users have and use growl, that the user base falls into roughly two
        camps. There's the people who have gone out and downloaded Growl (or
        another notification service) because they want everything
        and then there's the people who don't really care, and if
        mail.app wants
        to tell them something vs their browser wants to tell them
        they don't really think much of it.

        I think that initially, we can do a lot more for this second
        group in
        terms of functionality that we can provide, and would find it
        unfortunate if we held up forward progress because of a current
        implementation detail. If that functionality proves to be useful and
        desired by a number of users, I believe that platforms like
        Growl and
        NotifyOSD will find a way to make it work. In the meantime though, I
        think there are relatively simple things we can do to not leave
        users in the dark.

        1, for the CreateHTMLNotification call, we could still allow a text
        version of the notification to be provided. If there's a significant
        number of users whose platforms don't support HTML Notifications, I
        think there's a reasonable chance that would be filled out. If
        20% of
        users didn't see images, alt= text would be more prevalent.
        2. For the case where there is no text alternative provided by the
        website for the HTML notification, the UA can make a best effort at
        transforming the HTML notification to a text notification,
        with whatever markup the UA provides for text notifications (bold,
        links, etc). Obviously things may not be perfect and it would be
        preferable if the author of the page provided a notification,
        but the
        world is not perfect.
        3. Let the user decide which notification mechanism they prefer.
        If the
        user prefers HTML notifications, then they get whatever the UA
        implements. If the user has an alternate notification provider they
        prefer, then they live with the constraints of that notification
        but either way it's a tradeoff that the user can make. And yes,
        in the
        near term some of this may be prohibitive on mobile devices, but
        so are
        many things (try as they might, mobile browsers still aren't a
        to work with when it comes to viewing large complex sites or
        sites that
        use flash, etc).

        I strongly believe that web applications are increasing in
        number, in
        scope, and are becoming an integral part of people's lives. As web
        applications expand, I don't think it is unreasonable to believe
        support for HTML in the platform (e.g. HTML in notification
        will happen some day. It's not going to be immediate, and so I have
        outlined some ideas that I hope may get us moving in the
        meanwhile, but
        I don't want us to fall victim to the argument of "well, right
        now it's
        hard so let's not do it."

        My $0.02.

        Am 12. Februar 2010 12:50 schrieb John Gregg <john...@google.com
        <mailto:john...@google.com <mailto:john...@google.com>>>:

            On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Drew Wilson
        <atwil...@google.com <mailto:atwil...@google.com>
        <mailto:atwil...@google.com <mailto:atwil...@google.com>>> wrote:

                On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 5:06 AM, Henri Sivonen
        <hsivo...@iki.fi <mailto:hsivo...@iki.fi>
        <mailto:hsivo...@iki.fi <mailto:hsivo...@iki.fi>>> wrote:

                    On Feb 11, 2010, at 16:07, Jeremy Orlow wrote:

        >   As has been brought up repeatedly, growl and the other
                    notification engines are used by a SMALL FRACTION of
        all web
                    users.  I suspect a fraction of a percent.  Why are we
                    bending over backwards to make this system work on those

                    More seriously though: Virtually every user of an
                    Ubuntu installation has the notification engine
                    As for Growl, the kind of users who install Growl are
                    presumably the kind of users who care about
        notifications of
                    multiple concurrent things the most. Furthermore, it
                    that notifications are becoming more a part of operating
                    system platfroms. For example, it looks like Windows
        7 has a
                    system API for displaying notifications:

                This is a useful data point. It does seem like the major
                platforms are conforming to a simple icon + title + text
                interface for ambient notifications. The microsoft API seems
                more aligned with NotifyOSD (non-interactable
        notifications with
                a transient status tray icon provided to allow the user to
                click). I suspect a UA on those platforms (NotifyOSD and
                Microsoft) would display an icon with each notification
        to give
                the user the ability to register a click on and/or
        dismiss the

        >   Are there other examples where we've dumbed down an API to
                    the least common denominator for a small fraction of
                      Especially when there's no technical reason why these
                    providers could not be made more advanced (for example,
                    embed webkit to display fully functional notifications)?

                    It's not a given that it's an advancement in user
                    terms not to force all ambient notifications into a
                    consistent form.

                I think this is a reasonable point also. I also want to
                reiterate that your distinction between ambient and
                notifications is an interesting one - most of the system
                notification frameworks are geared towards ambient
                (it's why NotifyOSD does not support the DBUS "actions"
                I'm assuming). Their core use cases are things like "your
                printer is out of paper", not "You have an incoming
        voice call
                from Bob. Answer the call? Yes/No".

                I think the challenge here is framing our API in a way
        to allow
                developers to specify their intent (interactive vs ambient),
                with more restrictions on ambient content. The current spec
                makes one cut at this via "createNotification" vs
        "createHTMLNotification", but it's not at all clear that HTML
                notifications are intended to be interactive rather than
                pretty versions of ambient notifications (hence, Jonas'
                that developers will just create HTML notifications when
                they really want is an ambient notification).

            In terms of how I wrote the current draft, HTML vs Text+Icon has
            nothing to do with notifications being ambient or
        persistent.  It is
            really just about the content of the notification.  It would
            completely acceptable to me to have HTML notifications which are
            always ambient: they show up for a few seconds, then they go
            but if the user wants to interact with the dynamic content
            those seconds it's possible.

            The problem is that none of the popular ambient notification
            providers support HTML, so the assumption is that HTML =
        another new
            window or HTML = mandatory acknowledgement.  However that's not
            necessarily true.

                One solution is only to support ambient notifications
        (which is
                essentially the thrust of the "no HTML" argument), but
        I'd be
                opposed to any API that does not allow for interactive
                notifications. I suppose that's a discussion for the
                requirements thread, though :)

            Nothing in the current draft spec requires a UA to make Web
            Notifications of either type persistent - a UA which only
            ambient (self-closing) notifications could already be
        conforming, as
            long as clicks that do happen are passed back to the web page.




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