On Mar 26, 2010, at 3:29 AM, Marcos Caceres wrote:

Hi Maciej,

On 26/03/10 3:24 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

Apple has chosen not to participate in Widgets standards work at the

That's not true, Apple has directly influenced and participated in the work: remember [1], and the others fun exclusions of late (I think one even has your name on it). Of course, Apple is free to exclude whatever it wants... but this seems in contradiction to the "Apple Computer's Statement on the Draft W3C Patent Policy" [2]. Remember the bit about:

"Apple supports a W3C patent policy with an immutable commitment to royalty-free licensing for fundamental Web standards. Apple offers this statement in support of its position."

If Apple no longer supports the W3C's mission and patent policy, you should probably ask that [2] now be taken down (then happily continue to exclude patents willy-nilly, as is Apple's right as a W3C member).

If you keep reading past that sentence, you'll see there is no contradiction:

"At the same time, the corporate, governmental, institutional, and individual entities that support Web standardization by contributing and considering technology for adoption as a standard have legitimate interests in protecting — through intellectual property rights — the fruits of their own investments in technology. A patent policy that requires intellectual property rights owners to commit their valuable intellectual property in advance and without exception would undoubtedly discourage participation in the W3C."

"To balance these conflicting interests, Apple believes that W3C should promulgate only royalty-free standards, but should permit individual members to identify and exclude specific patents that they are not willing to license on a royalty-free basis."

Or is it that Apple alone gets to decide what constitutes a "fundamental web standard" and not the W3C community?

Every W3C Member Company gets to decide which patents they choose to exclude from royalty-free licensing. Everyone here has agreed to the W3C Patent Policy as part of their Invited Expert agreement or their employer's Member agreement, respectively.


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