On Apr 21, 2010, at 11:11 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:36:50 +0900, Adam Barth <w...@adambarth.com> wrote:
Unfortunately "ambient" doesn't have any good antonyms:


Simon suggested XMLHttpRequestNoContext in #whatwg. Seems relatively clear and works nicely with indexes and autocomplete.

Other ideas (also suffix variants instead of prefix variants):

- GuestXMLHttpRequest
Suggested by Mark originally. We now envision more use cases than guest code, however, "guest" is also the traditional name for an unprivileged account.

- UnprivilegedXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoPrivs)
- NoAuthorityXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoAuth, though that may seem like "no authentication")
- NoCredentialsXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoCred)

Can anyone else think of ideas? I tried to mentally fill in sentences like, "I don't want to do this as root, I want to use a/an _______ account" or "I don't want to be logged into site X, I want to be ________ when I visit it."


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