On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> >
>> > Can we please rename .URN to .URL for consistency with the rest of the
>> > platform? It really sticks out like a sore thumb being the only one
>> > that's different... I'm worried people are going to implement it as is
>> > if we don't update the spec soon.
>> For what it's worth, I've implemented it as .url in Firefox.
> Any chance we can get that changed to uppercase for consistency with
> Document.URL? I agree that uppercase is not common in the APIs, but I'd
> rather we keep the platform consistent when it comes to attributes with
> the same name rather than have the APIs depend on the prevailing wisdom at
> the time when they were invented...

We've had this discussion before :)

I initially implemented an uppercased name, but when I was writing
test cases for this property it was incredibly awkward to use the
uppercased version and I kept mistyping it using the lower cased name.

I would rather keep consistency with the hundreds of other properties
that use lower case name, than the single one that use upper case. Add
to that the fact that Document.URL is fairly rarely used.

/ Jonas

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