> 1) There are now two methods for getting at the URL parameters.  The

and none for setting them?


> 2) The origin attribute is now readonly.  Once I wired up the origin
> attribute to the actual definition of how to compute the origin of a
> URL, it became obvious that we don't want to support assigning to the
> attribute.  In particular, it doesn't seems particularly meaningful to
> assign the string "null" to the attribute even though that's a
> perfectly reasonable value for the attribute to return.
> 3) I've added definitions for what the interface actually does.
> In response to folks who think we should add these APIs to
> HTMLAnchorElement and Location, I agree.  Currently, the draft is
> written to refer to HTML5 for the definitions of the common elements,
> but we could easily reverse that dependency or incorporate this API
> into HTML5.
> Adam

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