Hi All,

During the 2011 TPAC meeting, I agreed to an action (action-611) to work with Chaals and WebApps' Team Contacts to define the group's testing processes.

To that end, I created the following documents:

1. http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/Testing - some high level goals, and links to other related resources.

2. http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/Submission - licensing info, test repository structure and how to submit tests. Notes: a) since WebApps will have a test suite per spec, the proposed structure is different than the structure used by HTML WG; b) if the proposed structure is accepted, some of WebApps existing dirs in Hg will need to be moved.

3. http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/Approval - how to start a test case review, approval process, how to update an approved test case

4. http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/Harness - short intro to the harness which is a reuse of the one used by the HTML WG (created and maintained by James Graham)

Comments on any of the above are welcome, especially regarding the various "@@@ TBD: ..." tags that are sprinkled throughout the above documents.

A couple of questions too ...

1. What is the level of uptake of testharness.js within the HTML WG and other WGs? If any of these groups provide "usage" information, what are the URIs? Do any WGs make testharness.js's use Mandatory? Currently, its usage in the above documents makes its usage a "Should".

2. What, if any, requirements/guidelines are there regarding copyrights in test files? For example, does every file in a test suite need a W3C copyright? Are external contributors allowed to include their own copyright(s)?

3. Where can I find some information about "RefTests"? In particular, where is the RefTest usage information HTML contributors use?

Regarding an "inventory" of WebApps' test suites - currently, if a spec has a test suite, a link to the suite is included on the PubStatus page (Remarks column). I could add a new column to PubStatus like "Testing" to make testing standout a bit more; or I could create a new document for the test suite inventory. Comments on this are also welcome:


-Art Barstow

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