On 06 Apr 2011, at 6:26 PM, Shawn Wilsher wrote:

> On 4/4/2011 8:07 AM, Joran Greef wrote:
>> SQLite has a fantastic track record of maintaining backwards compatibility.
> Sort of.  They didn't between SQLite 2 and SQLite 3.  There also have been 
> some (albeit minor) backwards compatibility issues with SQLite 3.x releases.  
> The most serious of which deal with performance characteristics changing 
> because they changed how the optimizer works.
> These type of things are acceptable to deal with in browser code because you 
> can change your code unlike on the web (unless you want to have different 
> code for each browser, and then each browser version).  It's that, or 
> browsers can ship one version of SQLite for all eternity.
> Cheers,
> Shawn

We only need one fixed version of SQLite to be shipped across Chrome, Safari, 
Opera, Firefox and IE. That in itself would represent a tremendous goal for 
IndexedDB to target and to try and achieve. When it actually does, and 
surpasses the fixed version of SQLite, those developers requiring the raw 
performance and reliability of SQLite could then switch over.

It is too soon to deprecate SQLite in the browser. IndexedDB is only getting 
started. It is beta and nowhere near the performance and test coverage of 

A fixed version of SQLite across browsers would be helpful at this stage. If 
Mozilla could lead the way on this it would be fantastic. Perhaps that would 
satisfy all parties on these issues?

It would also give IndexedDB implementors sufficient incentive to optimize 
their implementations, and developers the safety net of SQLite until such time 
as they do.

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