On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Olli Pettay <olli.pet...@helsinki.fi> wrote:
> On 04/27/2011 09:13 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
>> 1. We want<template>  to be able to contain arbitrary content that is
>> used as the content of the instances that are created from it. Now
>> assume that the template element contains some active content such as
>> <audio autoplay>, script or simply just an image. We don't want the
>> audio to start playing, we don't want the script to run inside the
>> template element and we don't want the image to be requested at this
>> point.
> <audio> works even if it is not in document, and so
> does <img>.
> But I see the problem you're trying to avoid.

Yeah, we basically just want the actual nodes inside of <template> to
be "dead", since their only purpose is to be cloned when you create
"real" DOM from the template.  How precisely this is accomplished is
more-or-less irrelevant at this point.


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