On 5/2/11, Rafael Weinstein <rafa...@google.com> wrote:
> Apologies. I feel like I have failed to properly contextualize this issue.
> Let me back up and see if I can't help create a different frame of
> reference. This email is already too long so I've avoided examples.
> Please let me know what isn't apparent and I'll explain further.
> 1) Imperative templating (JSP, jQuery, Closure, a load of others) is
> the problem. Declarative templating (Angular, Knockout, JSTemplate,
> Spry) is the solution.
After reading your clarification, I am certainly confused about your
proposal, particularly of what exactly the problem is. I thought I
understood what you wanted, but now I'm sure I don't.

I rather like the proposal format of:
Problem: Need a way to do [blah].

[Approach X] works but has [disadvantage A].
[Approach Y] works but has [disadvantage B].
[Proposal] has none of [disadvantages {A, B}].

[Proposed fallback strategy] to use when [proposal] is unsupported.
[Failure] situation when [fallback strategy] is not used.

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