Hixie, All,

April 21 was the comment deadline for the March 10 LCWD of the Web Workers spec [WW-LC].

Since that LC was published, I noted 2 set of comments and 2 new bugs:

* Adrian Bateman; 9-Mar-2011

* Travis Leithead; 20-Apr-2011

* Bug-12067; Jonas Sicking; 14-Feb-2011

* Bug-12340; Olli Pettay; 19-Mar-2011

Hixie - what normative changes have been made in the ED [WW-ED] (since the LC was published) that would affect an implementation based on the March 10 LC?

The Process Document defines the requirements for processing LC comments [LC] and the WG's main requirement is to respond to all comments.

It appears there is no agreed conclusion to the two comments nor to Bug-12067 and there were no responses to Bug-12340.


[WW-LC] http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-workers-20110310/
[WW-ED] http://dev.w3.org/html5/workers/

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