On Tue, 06 Sep 2011 21:04:33 +0200, Jacob Rossi <jacob.ro...@microsoft.com> wrote:
All of the Last Call issues formally raised in our Tracker have been addressed as indicated in our Disposition of Comments [1]. If there are outstanding issues, then they're likely threads on www-dom that got lost in the shuffle. Kindly, can you be more explicit and enumerate the outstanding issues you're awaiting responses for?

It's hard to tell since instead of pointing to the email where I raised the issue you point to a tracker issue. I have no idea what the relation is between the two.

But e.g. I do not have a reply to these emails in my inbox as far as I can tell:


Furthermore given the normative changes that have occurred (e.g. to event.type) another Last Call is needed where I wanted to note the issues I noted elsewhere in this thread, regarding not using Web IDL normatively like all our other drafts if they are not addressed by then.

[1] http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/dc.html

Anne van Kesteren

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