On 11/22/11 7:31 AM, Martin Kadlec (BS-Harou) wrote:
CSS: "article>  div:nth-child(2) input[type=text], article>  div:nth-child(2) 
input:not([type]), article>  div:nth-child(2) input[type=color]";
XPath: "//article/div[2]//input[@type='text' | @type='color'| not(@type)]";

How about:


"article > div:nth-child(2) input:any([type=text], :not([type]), [type=color])"

(modulo the continuing bikeshedding about calling it :any vs :matches)? I fully expect this to be available before any sort of XPath changes in UAs.

2) It's impossible to write the CSS selector (or really really hard/long)
a - "*[@data-price>30]";
b - "*[position()<30]";
c - "div[@*]";
d - "//div[parent::*//a]";

Indeed.  This seems to be the primary use case for XPath.


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