On Fri, Jan 6, 2012 at 4:34 PM, Ms2ger <ms2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 01/06/2012 10:28 PM, Jarred Nicholls wrote:
>> This is an editor's draft of a spec, it's not a recommendation, so it's
>> hardly a violation of anything.
> With this kind of attitude, frankly, you shouldn't be implementing a spec.

I resent that comment, because I'm one of the few that fight in WebKit to
get us 100% spec compliant in XHR (don't even get me started with how many
"violations" there are in Firefox, IE, and Opera...WebKit isn't the only
one mind you), but that doesn't mean any spec addition, as fluid as it is
in the early stages, is gospel.  In this case I simply think it wasn't
debated enough before going in - actually it wasn't debated at all, it was
just placed in there and now I'm a bad guy for pointing out its disconnect?
 I think your attitude is far poorer.

The web platform changes all the time - if this matter is sured up, then
implementations will change accordingly.

> Ms2ger

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