On 14.2.2012 15:20, Glenn Maynard wrote:
2012/2/14 Bronislav Klučka <bronislav.klu...@bauglir.com
The point of reusable Blob URL is the compatibility with regular
URL, not having reusable URL would create unpleasant dichotomy in
data manipulating...
The point is avoiding the error-prone need to release resources by hand.
Glenn Maynard
Yes, that is why we have this thread, I was talking about Blob URL...
I'm trying to find solution that would solve both (sure, I do not mind
explicit release).
I do not want solution where working with set of images would require to
traverse through all images and somehow trying to determine whether
images is regular URL or blob and go through 2 different branches.
Suggestions like "We could define that it returns an empty src
attribute" prohibits any additional working with such image... accessing
such image tells me nothing... is such image Blob image? Is it new empty