On 2/14/2012 5:35 AM, Bronislav Klučka wrote:

On 14.2.2012 5:56, Jonas Sicking wrote:
On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Ian Hickson<i...@hixie.ch>  wrote:
On Thu, 2 Feb 2012, Arun Ranganathan wrote:
2. Could we modify things so that img.src = blob is a reality? Mainly,
if we modify things for the *most common* use case, that could be useful
in mitigating some of our fears. Hixie, is this possible?
Anything's possible, but I think the pain here would far outweigh the
benefits. There would be some really hard questions to answer, too (e.g.
what would innerHTML return? If you copied such an image from a
contentEditable section and pasted it lower down the same section, would
it still have the image?).
We could define that it returns an empty src attribute, which would
break the copy/paste example. That's the same behavior you'd get with
someone revoking the URL upon load anyway.

/ Jonas

The point of reusable Blob URL is the compatibility with regular URL, not having reusable URL would create unpleasant dichotomy in data manipulating...

What do you think of a global release mechanism? Such as URL.revokeAllObjectUrls();

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