On Wed, Aug 1, 2012 at 7:59 AM, Robin Berjon <ro...@berjon.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> with the likes of postMessage and Web Intents that we are getting access to 
> now, it is increasingly common that data may flow from a server to an 
> in-browser page, that may then pass that data on to another in-browser page 
> (typically running at a different origin). In a many cases, such data will be 
> captured as Blobs. There can be several reasons why one may wish to toss a 
> Blob over postMessage rather than a URL:
>     • Origin restrictions and lack of CORS support (not necessarily fixable 
> by the hacker working on the site);
>     • CSP on the receiving end;
>     • Cookies or authorisation issues;
>     • Hotlinking prevention;
>     • Secrecy of the actual URL to the data (possibly for privacy reasons);
>     • Probably a bunch of others I haven't thought of.
> The problem is that the way that things currently work, the sending end needs 
> to load the data in full before transmitting it. That's okay when it's small 
> and there are only few resources, or if you know that the receiving end will 
> read it all right away anyway. But there are cases in which there is a lot of 
> data (e.g. an image gallery) or where the receiving end might filter the 
> data, only load it item per item, etc.
> This is something that we noted while working on implementing some Web 
> Intents based services but that applies more broadly. The most acute example 
> was Jungkee Song's Pick Image Intent that could easily find itself in a 
> position to load several hundreds of megabytes that might then just be thrown 
> away by the receiving end.
> The proposals below were hashed out with Jungkee Song and Richard Tibbett, 
> based on the above use case as well as several people in the Intents and DAP 
> groups stating that they bumped into situations where they would have needed 
> this (feel free to send additional use cases folks).
> ===================
> The overall idea is simple irrespective of which approach is chosen: create a 
> Blob that can lazily fetch the content of a URL. Blobs are designed to be 
> transparently lazy if they need to, so nothing needs to change at the Blob 
> level, or for that matter at the level of anything that may end up reading 
> from one. In fact, a good implementation that reads file-based Blobs is 
> probably already lazy. A Lazy Blob is just a Blob.
> Things start to get messier (unless we've missed an option) when you plug 
> that into URLs (don't they always). That's where the multiple approaches 
> outlined below kick in.
> In all approaches it is assumed that if there is information to be inferred 
> from context (e.g. access to cookies) then the relevant context is the one in 
> which the Blob is created. Reading of the Blob performed in another context 
> changes nothing to that.
> User agents are always allowed to access the actual data at any arbitrary 
> moment, between immediately and when code requests it. Of course, quality of 
> implementation may dictate a strategy that doesn't make it just as bad as 
> loading everything immediately.
> Also, none of the options below are detailed anywhere near where they should 
> be — but if we agree on the need and on a general direction I'll be happy to 
> take care of that. If there's agreement on this, I volunteer as editor 
> (Jungkee and perhaps Richard may be interested as well).
> === The Simple Approach
> partial interface BlobBuilder {
>     Blob getBlobFromURL (DOMString url);
> };
> Usage:
> var bb = new BlobBuilder()
> ,   blob = bb.getBlobFromURL("http://specifiction.com/kitten.png";);
> This is the simplest possible approach. When called, essentially the 
> equivalent of this happens:
> var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
> xhr.open("GET", url, true);
> xhr.responseType = "blob";
> And upon reading the blob, send() is triggered and everything else happens as 
> if the XHR blob from xhr.response were accessed directly.
> Pro: Extremely simple.
> Con: Does not allow much control over the request that gets made, notably 
> some uses will likely require setting headers.
> === The Somewhat Less Simple Approach
> partial interface BlobBuilder {
>     Blob getBlobFromURL (DOMString url, optional DOMString method, optional 
> Object headers);
> };
> Usage:
> var bb = new BlobBuilder()
> ,   blob = bb.getBlobFromURL("http://specifiction.com/kitten.png";, "GET", { 
> Authorization: "Basic DEADBEEF" });
> Everything is the same as the previous version but the method and some 
> headers can be set by enumerating the Object. I *think* that those are all 
> that would ever be needed.
> This is currently my preferred approach. If you like it too, you may consider 
> the following ones as merely curiosities.
> === Using XHR For Options
> partial interface BlobBuilder {
>     Blob getBlobFromURL (XMLHttpRequest xhr);
> };
> Usage:
> var bb = new BlobBuilder()
> ,   xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
> xhr.open("GET", "/kitten.png", true);
> xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic DEADBEEF");
> var blob = bb.getBlobFromURL(xhr);
> This avails the developer the full flexibility and power of XHR, and uses the 
> configured XHR object to make the request (which is forced to responseType = 
> "blob" behind the scenes). It's more powerful and might be more future-proof, 
> but it's more verbose and carries some extra complexity. Once the XHR object 
> has been given to the BlobBuilder it needs to be impossible to change it, 
> events should fire on it, etc.
> === Another XHR Approach
> partial interface XMLHttpRequest {
>     Blob makeLazyBlob ();
> };
> Usage:
> var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
> xhr.open("GET", "/kitten.png", true);
> xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic DEADBEEF");
> var blob =xhr.makeLazyBlob(xhr);
> This is very similar to the previous one in its power and complexity, but the 
> difference is that everything happens on XHR.
> === The Inheritance Approach
> interface LazyBlob : XMLHttpRequest {
>     void send (); // noop
> };
> Usage:
> var lb = new LazyBlob();
> lb.open("GET", "/kitten.png", true);
> lb.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic DEADBEEF");
> More of the same, turns send() into a no-op.
> === Cloneable XHR
> Just toss the XHR itself over postMessage().
> Speaking personally, I prefer option B but I'm certainly open to other 
> options. My primary concern at this time is to get a sense for whether 
> there's agreement on the issue to start with or not.

Since it appears my original email went unnoticed, here's another try.

I think what you are looking for is Streams. The resulting code would
be something like:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = "stream";
var stream = xhr.result;

/ Jonas

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