On 2013-05-07 00:44, Julian Aubourg wrote:
Hey Anne,

I don't quite get why you're saying HTTP is irrelevant.

As an example, regarding the content-type /request /header, the XHR spec
clearly states:

    If a |Content-Type| header is in author request headers
    <http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/#author-request-headers> and
    its value is a valid MIME type
    <http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/infrastructure.html#valid-mime-type> that
    has a |charset| parameter whose value is not a case-insensitive
    match for encoding, and encoding is not null, set all
    the|charset| parameters of that |Content-Type| header to encoding.

So, at least, the encoding in the request content-type is clearly stated
as being case-insensitive.

BTW, "Valid MIME type" leads to (HTML 5.1):

    A string is a valid MIME type if it matches the |media-type| rule
    defined in section 3.7 "Media Types" of RFC 2616. In particular, a
    valid MIME type
    include MIME type parameters. [HTTP]

Of course, nothing is explicitely specified regarding the /response
/content-type, because it is implicitely covered by HTTP (seeing as the
value is generated outside of the client -- except when using

It's usage as defined by the XHR spec is irrelevant to the fact it is to
be considered case-insensitively : any software or hardware along the
network path is perfectly entitled to change the case of the
Content-Type header because HTTP clearly states case does not matter.

So, testing for a response Content-Type case-sensitively is /not /correct.

Things are less clear to me when it comes to white spaces. I find HTTP
quite evasive on the matter.

RFC 2616 is pretty clear if and only if you understand how "implied linear whitespace" works in it's version of ABNF.

In HTTPbis, we removed implied whitespace rules, so you may want to look at


instead (note that this is past WGLC and will be in IETF Last Call soonish).

Best regards, Julian

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