When using registerProtocolHandler method to register a custom
protocol, according to the spec it is required that the uri parameter
allow to do a GET operation or their equivalent (so maybe it would be
used with ftp instead of http URIs, for example). I have done some
tests setting this custom protocol on an <img> tag and it seems to
works (at least on Chrome v28).

Problem is, being a plain GET operation (or equivalent) it only fetch
the file content, so it requires to point it to a web server that
process the query (specially the '%s' argument) and return instead the
correct resource. To prevent this requeriment, I have done some tests
using a 'javascript:' URI so the handler would be procesed server-less
(the 'GET equivalent operation' in this case is to exec the javascript
code), but at least on Chrome v28 it doesn't get registered, but also
it doesn't raise any exception or error.

My proposition is to allow to use 'javascript:' URI protocols on the
uri parameter of registerProtocolHandler, allowing this way to them
being processed and executed server-less on client side. I know this
would means some security thread (running arbitrary javascript code on
ANY page that has a link or image with that scheme), so to put it at
the same security level of doing a request to a regular web server,
this code could be executed on a diferent process (something similar
to how webworkers works), and from the point of view of the developer
of this script the content returned by this 'GET equivalent operation'
would be done by a document.write() operation, only that instead
writting on the caller page document, it is fully written (probably
also the HTTP headers if necesary) on an ad-hoc document that will be
the one returned by this request.

"Si quieres viajar alrededor del mundo y ser invitado a hablar en un
monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
– Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

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