> Maybe. We'd lose the symmetry with registerContentHandler() unless we
> move its redirect-like logic to fetch as well, aside from the security
> implications.

This would need more discussion. It would be useful to allow
registerContentHandler() also to be used inside <img> tags, but also I
don't think too much people will be creating their own file formats
that would require registerContentHandler() in the same way they would
create their own custom protocols, so maybe loose the symmetry here
makes sense...

> And "cool feature" is not a solid enough use case I
> think for the complexity it brings.
I agree ;-) By "cool feature" I means that it wide open the usage
posibilities, for example someone would create a 'wiki:' protocol to
add links to Wikipedia and when when used on a <img> tag like
'wiki:images/dog.png' 'would insert images directly, or a 'youtube:'
protocol to insert videos on a <video> tag. This would require to have
registered the protocol, obviously, but the same happens if they are
set on a link that people can click and surf...

"Si quieres viajar alrededor del mundo y ser invitado a hablar en un
monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
– Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

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