Quick notes, questions.... 

Is "File API: Directories and System" dead? Looks kinda dead (last updated 07 
March 2012). 

Streams should not be part of File - it's a generic API for any data. 

"UI Events" is linked to the wrong place. 

Drop the "currently not supported by web standards." from Gamepad 
description... as it's a bit of an oxymoron to have a standard for a standard 
that's not supported as a standard... standard :) 

Ooohhh! WebApps staking a claim over "Service Workers"! Nice :) 

URL API should point to http://url.spec.whatwg.org/

Can we please put an end to this whole snapshot nonsense:

Maybe drop: "public-web-inte...@w3.org (archive) for discussion of the Web 
Intents specification"

Marcos Caceres

On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 at 8:36 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:

> Hi All,
> Although WebApps' current charter [Charter] does not expire until the 
> end of May, since it can take a while to agree on a new charter 
> (especially if new deliverables are proposed), I created a Draft [Draft] 
> today. A diff of the current charter vs. the draft is available at [Diff].
> My intent was to reflect the current state of WebApps' work and I don't 
> think there are any major surprises.
> Comments (as well as PRs) are welcome, especially if anyone has any 
> deliverables to propose.
> -Thanks, ArtB
> [Charter] <http://www.w3.org/2012/webapps/charter/Overview.html>
> [Draft] <http://afbarstow.github.io/WebApps/charter.html>
> [Diff] 
> <http://services.w3.org/htmldiff?doc1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2012%2Fwebapps%2Fcharter%2FOverview.html&doc2=http%3A%2F%2Fafbarstow.github.io%2FWebApps%2Fcharter.html>

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