On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 8:22 PM, Arthur Barstow <art.bars...@nokia.com>wrote:

> On 1/23/14 8:48 PM, ext Jungkee Song wrote:
>> I understand your concern. Indeed, we editors should have made it clearer
>> providing updates on the status and more importantly a new TR.
>> The goal of the snapshot version of the spec is clear. It aims to
>> standardize all widely implemented parts of the spec that are compatibly
>> supported across major implementations in a *timely* manner. Hence the
>> number one to-do is to enhance the pass ratio of the test suite [1] by
>> interacting with the implementors.
>> We'd planned to publish LC with the Level 1 spec [2] in a near-term after
>> the last TPAC but the changing publication policy recommends for us to take
>> more conservative approach in publishing LC.
>> That said, it seems necessary for us to publish a WD with [2] for now
>> before we'll get ready with the test results good enough for publishing LC.
>> Any comments would be appreciated.
> Thanks for the update Jungkee!
> I think your plan (to publish a WD now that will replace the 2012 WD and
> to continue to work toward a LC that is broadly and compatibly implemented)
> is good. Please let me know when you want me to start a CfC for the WD.
We editors agreed with requesting a CfC to publish [2] as a WD. I'll
request it as soon as I'm ready with a WD-ready version.


> -Thanks, Art
>  [1] http://jungkees.github.io/XMLHttpRequest-test/
>> [2] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/xhr/raw-file/tip/xhr-1/Overview.html


Jungkee Song

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