Mounir and Marcos would like to publish a LCWD of The Screen Orientation API and this is a Call for Consensus to do using the latest ED (not yet in the LCWD template) as the basis:


The spec has three open Issues, all labeled Future + Enhancement and the Editors propose these Issues not be addressed for this first version of the spec:


This CfC satisfies the group's requirement to "record the group's decision to request advancement" for this LCWD. Note the Process Document used by this group states the following regarding the significance/meaning of a LCWD:


Purpose: A Working Group's Last Call announcement is a signal that:

* the Working Group believes that it has satisfied its relevant technical requirements (e.g., of the charter or requirements document) in the Working Draft;

* the Working Group believes that it has satisfied significant dependencies with other groups;

* other groups SHOULD review the document to confirm that these dependencies have been satisfied. In general, a Last Call announcement is also a signal that the Working Group is planning to advance the technical report to later maturity levels.

If you have any comments or concerns about this CfC, please send them to public-webapps @ by September 18 at the latest. Positive response is preferred and encouraged and silence will be considered as agreement with the proposal.

The proposed review period is 4 weeks.

Assuming this CfC passes, if there are any specific groups (e.g. script-coord, TAG, WAI, Privacy IG, Security IG, Mobile IG, etc.) or external SDOs we should explicitly ask to review the LCWD, please let us know.

-Thanks, AB

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