On September 24, 2014 at 8:43:10 AM, Anne van Kesteren (ann...@annevk.nl) wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 2:33 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> > Anne - would you please confirm if your comments have been adequately 
> > addressed?
> I disagree with the prioritization of creating a snapshot over
> defining (even to an approximation) what implementers actually have to
> do. I said as much on GitHub and IRC, but it seems my comments have
> been deferred nonetheless.

Anne is, unfortunately, right. There is no point in putting anything on /TR/ 
until the W3C fixes the ability to have documents sync with what is on GH. 
Otherwise, we will just find ourselves here again in a few months. The 
stability of the document doesn't have any correlation to it appearing on the 
/TR/ space, and hence, it would misguided for us to push for its publication 
until the snapshots issue is fixed. 


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