On 3/24/15 10:21 AM, Richard Ishida wrote:
is it possible to send mail to www-internatio...@w3.org each time someone adds somethign to the github issue? (this is the list where we track and discuss issues).

if so, i see no real difference between using github or bugzilla – our process is designed to cope with both bugzilla and email based comments (though it would normally be better to start with the right one rather than switch part way, so changing the SOD would indeed help).

we should also ensure, however, that the titles of the issues and any associated notification mails always contain the i18n-issue-xxx string that will allow us and tracker to locate information for a given thread.

FYI, I just added "[i18n-issue-NNN]" to the title of the five Github issues Ken created ([GH]) for the issues Addison submitted (and created the "I18N-WG" label for them).

I don't know if the GH repo can be configured such that all activity for just these issues can be automagically Cc'ed to www-international but I know Dom has done so related work so I will follow up with him separately.

The boiler plate asking for feedback via GH and the Status section asking for feedback via p-webapps is certainly suboptimal. AFAIK, PubRules mandates the comment list. If we can't get that restriction lifted, I recommend the relevant text in the SotD clearly state using GH for comments/bugs/issues is *strongly preferred* and the list should only be used as a `last resort`.

(FYI, all of WebApps' GH activity is mirrored to [p-w-gh], thus all I18n activity can be found in the archive, f.ex. via [i18n].)

-Thanks, ArtB

[GH] <https://github.com/w3c/manifest/labels/I18N-WG>
[p-w-gh] <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps-github/>
[i18n] <https://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/search?keywords=&hdr-1-name=subject&hdr-1-query=i18n&index-grp=Public_FULL&index-type=t&type-index=public-webapps-github>

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