> On Jan 9, 2016, at 11:49, Grisha Lyukshin <gl...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> Hello Johannes,
> I was the one to organize the meeting. To make things clear, this was an ad 
> hoc meeting with the intent for the browsers to resolve any ambiguities and 
> questions on beforeInput spec, which we did. This was the reason I invited 
> representatives from each browser only.


Thanks for providing some light on this. However, I must say I am extremely 
surprised, to say the least.

Informal discussions between anybody is of course fine. But informal 
discussions are about discussing, not deciding. However, as far as I gather, 
this is a meeting where resolutions were made, issues were resolved, a document 
of was deleted by someone who is not its editor, despite the editor (who was 
not invited to the meeting) protesting...

There was no invitation, no minutes, (thank you for sharing your notes. 
However, these are not minutes).

Here are a few quotes from the charter of the Working Group to which this Task 
Force belongs:

  "As explained in the W3C Process Document (section 3.3), this
   group will seek to make decisions when there is consensus and
   with due process."

  "Any resolution taken in a face-to-face meeting or teleconference
   is to be considered provisional until 10 working days after the
   publication of the resolutions sent to the appropriate working
   group mailing list[...]"

And from the Work Mode document referenced from the charter:

  "For Face-to-face (f2f) meetings, there should be 8 weeks
   notice of the city and date/time."

  "The meeting must use the W3C's #webapps IRC and the RRSAgent
   Meeting Minute bot"

  "Within 48 hours of the meeting ending (although sooner is preferred),
   the meeting's minutes must be sent to the e-mail list[...]"

Forgive me if I'm over reacting, but this doesn't sound like "consensus and due 
process" to me.

> P.S. I’ll be sure to include any interested parties in the future. This time 
> was more of how do we implement something that web devs want so it is 
> interoperable among browsers. 

"How do we implement something that web devs want so that it is intereoperable 
among browsers" is the purpose of the whole W3C! How is it remotely appropriate 
to skip involving people from the task force chartered to work of this exact 

 - Florian
AC Rep for Vivliostyle

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