> On Jan 9, 2016, at 12:20 PM, Ryosuke Niwa <rn...@apple.com> wrote:
>> On Jan 8, 2016, at 7:12 PM, Johannes Wilm <johan...@fiduswriter.org> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 3:49 AM, Grisha Lyukshin <gl...@microsoft.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Johannes,
>>> I was the one to organize the meeting. To make things clear, this was an ad 
>>> hoc meeting with the intent for the browsers to resolve any ambiguities and 
>>> questions on beforeInput spec, which we did. This was the reason I invited 
>>> representatives from each browser only.
>> In so far as to clarify the questions you had at the last meeting that you 
>> needed to resolve with your individual teams, that you had indeed announced 
>> at the meeting that you would talk about --- I think that is fair enough. 
>> I am not 100% familiar with all processes of the W3C, but from what I can 
>> tell, I don't think you can treat it as having been a F2F meeting of this 
>> taskforce, but you can say that you had some informal talks with your and 
>> the other teams about this and now you come back to the taskforce with a 
>> proposal of how to resolve it.
>> Similarly, among JS editor developers we have been discussing informally 
>> about priorities and how we would like things to work. But those are 
>> informal meetings that cannot override the taskforce meetings.
> Nobody said our F2F was of the task force.
> Let me be blunt and say this.  I don't remember who nominated you to be the 
> editor of all these documents and who approved it.  If you want to talk about 
> the process, I'd like to start from there.
>>> To your question about removing ContentEditable=”true”. The idea is 
>>> consolidate multiple documents into a single editing specification 
>>> document. We wanted to remove ContentEditable=”true” because it had no 
>>> content there. So resolutions on CE=true from previous meetings remain 
>>> unchanged. There is no point on having empty document floating on the web. 
>>> So yeah, we wanted to remove the draft that has no content. We will merge 
>>> Input Events and other ContentEditable specs into a single spec. We didn’t 
>>> really have any discussions on execCommands spec.
>> Yes, I don't think that part can reasonably be said to have been part of 
>> something you could resolve in a closed door, unannounced meeting among only 
>> browser vendors. 
>> Both the treatment of the various documents and especially 
>> contentEditable=True has been very controversial in this taskforce in the 
>> past, and I don't think you can just set aside all processes and consensus 
>> methods to change this.
>> So with all due respect, I don't think you can just delete it like that. 
>> Just as I cannot just delete part of the UI events spec because I have had a 
>> meeting with some people from TinyMCE and CKEditor and we decided we didn't 
>> like that part.
> If the task force comes to a consensus that the document was useful, then we 
> can just restore it.  The change was purely editorial in the nature.  First 
> off, I don't remember when we agreed that we needed to have a separate spec 
> for contenteditable=true separate from Aryeh's document.  If you thought the 
> consensus of the last Paris F2F was to do that, then you either misunderstood 
> the meeting's conclusion or I didn't object in time.
> As far as I'm concerned, this is about removing an empty document the task 
> force never agreed to add in the first place.

Now I realize my Github commit message was very misleading from your 
perspective.  I apologize for causing the confusion.  Nonetheless, we don't 
need a separate contenteditable=true document since that's clearly defined in 
the HTML5 spec as well as Aryeh's spec.

- R. Niwa

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