Comodo Group Inc. votes yes.

> On Mar 27, 2018, at 11:20 PM, Virginia Fournier via Public 
> <> wrote:
> Ballot 206: Amendment to IPR Policy & Bylaws re Working Group Formation
> Purpose of Ballot:  This ballot is the result of the work done by the 
> CA/Browser Forum (the “Forum”) Governance
> Reform Working Group. 
> The following motion has been proposed by Virginia Fournier of Apple and 
> endorsed by Tim Hollebeek of Digicert and Jos Purvis of Cisco to amend the 
> CA/Browser Forum Intellectual Property Rights Policy (“IPR Policy”) and 
> Bylaws of the
> CA/Browser Forum (the “Bylaws”) regarding the formation of working groups:
> 1. Amendment to IPR Policy. The IPR Policy is hereby amended to read in its 
> entirety as set
> forth on Exhibit A hereto (IPR Policy version 1.3, effective [date], 2018). 
> In summary, the
> primary purpose of the amendment to the IPR Policy is to clarify that patent 
> licensing
> obligations will be based on working group participation rather than Forum 
> membership.
> 2. Amendment to Bylaws. The Bylaws are hereby amended to read in their 
> entirety as set
> forth on Exhibit B hereto (Bylaws version 1.9, effective [date], 2018). In 
> summary, the purpose
> of the amendment to the Bylaws is to:
> Set forth the processes required to set up and operate new Forum working 
> groups (each, a “Chartered Working Group” or “CWG”).
> Clarify that a CWG can create its own subcommittees without full Forum 
> approval and according to the CWG’s own approval process.
> Make clarifications regarding the handling of faulty ballot votes.
> Clarify the applicable process when there’s discrepancy between proposed 
> Guideline language in a ballot and language set forth in a redline version 
> attached to the ballot.
> Specify how to finalize minutes if there is no Forum meeting or 
> teleconference within 3 weeks after publication of the draft minutes.
> Clarify the meanings of the terms “Forum Meetings” and “Forum 
> Teleconferences."
> Approve the charter for the Server Certificate Working Group, which will 
> become the first Chartered Working Group (CWG).
> Allow already-existing working groups (“Legacy Working Groups” or “LWG”) to 
> continue operating under the old rules for up to 6 months, and then 
> transition to a Chartered Working Group (CWG) with a new charter approved 
> under Section 5.3 of the Bylaws to continue thereafter; also clearly 
> differentiate between Legacy Working Groups and Chartered Working Groups.
> Correct the term used to define a CAB Forum member as a “Member” rather than 
> using various other terms to refer to the same thing throughout the document.
> Correct non-substantive typos.
> 3. Approval of Charter for Server Certificate Working Group. Pursuant to 
> Section 5.3.1 (Formation of Working Groups) of the amended Bylaws, the 
> charter for the Server Certificate Working Group attached hereto as Exhibit C 
> is hereby approved.
> 4. Applicability of Amendments. The amendments to the IPR Policy and the 
> Bylaws described in this ballot shall become effective 90 days after the date 
> on which the vote for approval is final, and shall not apply retroactively. 
> Any Draft Guideline Ballots already in the Review Period when such amendments 
> go into effect shall comply with the versions of the IPR Policy and the 
> Bylaws in effect when such Review Period began.
> The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows:
> BALLOT 206
> Formal discussion period:  (7 days)
> Start time:   20 March 2018 2:38 PM PDT (20 Mar 2018 21:38 UTC)
> End Time:  27 March 2018 8:00 PM PDT   (28 Mar 2018 3:00 AM UTC)
> Vote for approval (7 days)
> Start time: 27 March 2018 8:30 PM PDT (28 March 2018 3:30 AM UTC)
> End time:  3 April 2018 8:30 PM PDT (4 April 2018 3:30 AM)
> Votes must be cast by posting an on-list reply to this thread on the Public 
> Mail List.
> A vote in favor of the ballot must indicate a clear 'yes' in the response. A 
> vote against must
> indicate a clear 'no' in the response. A vote to abstain must indicate a 
> clear 'abstain' in the
> response. Unclear responses will not be counted. The latest vote received 
> from any
> representative of a voting Member before the close of the voting period will 
> be counted. Voting
> Members are listed here: 
> <>
> In order for the ballot to be adopted, two thirds or more of the votes cast 
> by Members in the CA
> category and greater than 50% of the votes cast by members in the browser 
> category must be
> in favor, and there must be a quorum.
> Pursuant to Section 2.3(d) of the Bylaws, each Member, and not the Forum, 
> will be responsible for taking precautions to make sure such Member’s vote is 
> submitted properly and counted. In the event that a Member’s vote on a ballot 
> is not submitted properly, such vote shall not be valid and shall not be 
> counted, and there shall be no appeal, revote (except in the case of a new 
> ballot submitted to all Members) or other recourse.
> <Ballot 206 - docs for ballot>
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