Kamu SM votes YES.





From: Public < <mailto:public-boun...@cabforum.org> 
public-boun...@cabforum.org> On Behalf Of Virginia Fournier via Public
Sent: onsdag 28. mars 2018 05:20
To: CA/Browser Forum Public Discussion List < <mailto:public@cabforum.org> 
Subject: [cabfpub] Voting Begins: Ballot 206: Amendment to IPR Policy & Bylaws 
re Working Group Formation



Ballot 206: Amendment to IPR Policy & Bylaws re Working Group Formation


Purpose of Ballot:  This ballot is the result of the work done by the 
CA/Browser Forum (the “Forum”) Governance

Reform Working Group. 


The following motion has been proposed by Virginia Fournier of Apple and 
endorsed by Tim Hollebeek of Digicert and Jos Purvis of Cisco to amend the 
CA/Browser Forum Intellectual Property Rights Policy (“IPR Policy”) and Bylaws 
of the

CA/Browser Forum (the “Bylaws”) regarding the formation of working groups:




1. Amendment to IPR Policy. The IPR Policy is hereby amended to read in its 
entirety as set

forth on Exhibit A hereto (IPR Policy version 1.3, effective [date], 2018). In 
summary, the

primary purpose of the amendment to the IPR Policy is to clarify that patent 

obligations will be based on working group participation rather than Forum 


2. Amendment to Bylaws. The Bylaws are hereby amended to read in their entirety 
as set

forth on Exhibit B hereto (Bylaws version 1.9, effective [date], 2018). In 
summary, the purpose

of the amendment to the Bylaws is to:

*       Set forth the processes required to set up and operate new Forum 
working groups (each, a “Chartered Working Group” or “CWG”).

*       Clarify that a CWG can create its own subcommittees without full Forum 
approval and according to the CWG’s own approval process.

*       Make clarifications regarding the handling of faulty ballot votes.
*       Clarify the applicable process when there’s discrepancy between 
proposed Guideline language in a ballot and language set forth in a redline 
version attached to the ballot.
*       Specify how to finalize minutes if there is no Forum meeting or 
teleconference within 3 weeks after publication of the draft minutes.
*       Clarify the meanings of the terms “Forum Meetings” and “Forum 
*       Approve the charter for the Server Certificate Working Group, which 
will become the first Chartered Working Group (CWG).
*       Allow already-existing working groups (“Legacy Working Groups” or 
“LWG”) to continue operating under the old rules for up to 6 months, and then 
transition to a Chartered Working Group (CWG) with a new charter approved under 
Section 5.3 of the Bylaws to continue thereafter; also clearly differentiate 
between Legacy Working Groups and Chartered Working Groups.
*       Correct the term used to define a CAB Forum member as a “Member” rather 
than using various other terms to refer to the same thing throughout the 
*       Correct non-substantive typos.


3. Approval of Charter for Server Certificate Working Group. Pursuant to 
Section 5.3.1 (Formation of Working Groups) of the amended Bylaws, the charter 
for the Server Certificate Working Group attached hereto as Exhibit C is hereby 


4. Applicability of Amendments. The amendments to the IPR Policy and the Bylaws 
described in this ballot shall become effective 90 days after the date on which 
the vote for approval is final, and shall not apply retroactively. Any Draft 
Guideline Ballots already in the Review Period when such amendments go into 
effect shall comply with the versions of the IPR Policy and the Bylaws in 
effect when such Review Period began.




The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows:



Formal discussion period:  (7 days)

Start time:   20 March 2018 2:38 PM PDT (20 Mar 2018 21:38 UTC)

End Time:  27 March 2018 8:00 PM PDT   (28 Mar 2018 3:00 AM UTC)


Vote for approval (7 days)

Start time: 27 March 2018 8:30 PM PDT (28 March 2018 3:30 AM UTC)

End time:  3 April 2018 8:30 PM PDT (4 April 2018 3:30 AM)


Votes must be cast by posting an on-list reply to this thread on the Public 
Mail List.

A vote in favor of the ballot must indicate a clear 'yes' in the response. A 
vote against must

indicate a clear 'no' in the response. A vote to abstain must indicate a clear 
'abstain' in the

response. Unclear responses will not be counted. The latest vote received from 

representative of a voting Member before the close of the voting period will be 
counted. Voting

Members are listed here:  <https://cabforum.org/members/> 


In order for the ballot to be adopted, two thirds or more of the votes cast by 
Members in the CA

category and greater than 50% of the votes cast by members in the browser 
category must be

in favor, and there must be a quorum.


Pursuant to Section 2.3(d) of the Bylaws, each Member, and not the Forum, will 
be responsible for taking precautions to make sure such Member’s vote is 
submitted properly and counted. In the event that a Member’s vote on a ballot 
is not submitted properly, such vote shall not be valid and shall not be 
counted, and there shall be no appeal, revote (except in the case of a new 
ballot submitted to all Members) or other recourse.


Sorumluluk Reddi

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fikir ve gorusler sadece adres yazarina ait olup, TUBITAK / Kamu SM?nin resmi 
gorusunu yansitmaz. TUBITAK / Kamu SM bu e-posta icerigindeki bilgilerin 
kullanilmasi nedeniyle hic kimseye karsi sorumlu tutulamaz. Mesajin yetkili 
alicisi veya alicisina iletmekten sorumlu kisi degilseniz, mesaj icerigini ya 
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