On 04/30/2018 09:05 AM, David Davis wrote:
So what I’d probably propose is exposing the UUIDs in the response and then extending HyperlinkedRelatedFields to accept UUID or href. Then third parties like Katello could store and just use UUIDs (and not worry about hrefs).

+1 to exposing/supporting both the PKs and hrefs.  Btw: We should be talking in terms of resource PKs (primary keys) or IDs instead of UUIDs for clarity.

Regarding hrefs though, hostname and port don’t matter. The app just looks at the relative path. It looks like changing the deployment path causes problems though.


On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 9:58 AM, Justin Sherrill <jsher...@redhat.com <mailto:jsher...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    On 04/27/2018 07:18 PM, David Davis wrote:
    I’m not sure how returning UUIDs in our responses helps Katello.
    In our previous conversation, it was concluded that Katello
    should use the hrefs[0]. Why expose UUIDs if Katello is not going
    to store them?

    And thats fine, but bindings are pointless at that point, so pulp
    shouldn't really advertise them as a feature.   This seemed to
    have been 'talked up' quite a bit as a feature, but is completely

    Katello could store/use UUIDs but then it's going to run into
    problems when dealing with parameters that are hrefs (such as
    repository_version for publishing[1]).


    Could you explain a bit about this?

    In order to use pulp 3 then, i'd guess we would either need to:

    1) store ALL hrefs about all objects
    2) fetch an object before we can do anything with it

    Or am i missing an option 3?

    On a side note, the href's seem to include
    hostname/port/deployment path.  This seems incompatible with
    things like hostname changes.  We can fairly easily just chomp off
    only the path, but if i were a user and had stored all these
    hrefs, i would be very unhappy if i had all the full href's stored.



    On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 4:29 PM, Dennis Kliban
    <dkli...@redhat.com <mailto:dkli...@redhat.com>> wrote:

        I can't remember why we decided to remove UUID from the
        responses. It sounds like we should add them back.

        On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 12:26 PM, Justin Sherrill
        <jsher...@redhat.com <mailto:jsher...@redhat.com>> wrote:

            Hi All!

            I started playing around with pulp 3 and generated
            bindings via https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3580
            <https://pulp.plan.io/issues/3580> and it results
            somewhat in what you would expect.  Here's an example:

                # @param id A UUID string identifying this repository.
                # @param [Hash] opts the optional parameters
                # @return [Repository]
                def repositories_read(id, opts = {})
                  data, _status_code, _headers =
            repositories_read_with_http_info(id, opts)
                  return data

            Notice that the UUID is to be passed in.  When creating a
            repository, i only get the _href:

                "_latest_version_href": null,
                "created": "2018-04-27T15:26:03.546956Z",
                "description": "",
                "name": "test",
                "notes": {}

            Meaning, there's really no way to use this specific
            binding with the return format for pulp.   I imagine most
            binding generation would be expecting the user to know
            the ID of the objects and not work off of _hrefs.  Any
            reason to not include the IDs in the response?


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