Earlier today a few of us met to discuss how we can release new Y releases
of plugins without a Y release of the platform accompanying them.

The initial proposal was to publish a new Y release of a plugin at the same
time as a Z release of platform and other plugins. More concretely, we were
discussing putting pulp-docker-* 3.2.0 packages into the 2.16
repository[0]. This repository currently contains 3.1.3 packages.
Publishing 3.2.0 packages to this repository would completely remove the
3.1.3 pulp-docker packages. Since 3.1.3 pulp-docker-* packages were only
published to the 2.16 repository, the only 3.1.z package available after a
publish of 3.2.0 would be 3.1.2 in the 2.15 repository[1]. After
identifying this problem, we decided to NOT release pulp-docker-* 3.2.0
with the 2.16.2 z-stream release.

In order to eliminate this problem in the future, we would like to
investigate if it will be possible to compose repositories with new Y
releases of plugins while retaining the previous versions of packages that
were already published to the repository before. If this is possible, we
would try to start composing our Z stream repositories in such a way
starting with 2.17.0 release.

Questions? Thoughts? Ideas?

[0] https://repos.fedorapeople.org/pulp/pulp/stable/2.16/7Server/x86_64/
[1] https://repos.fedorapeople.org/pulp/pulp/stable/2.15/7Server/x86_64/
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